After graduating from the University of British Columbia 26 years ago, I was glad to be re-connected to my alma mater through a recent interview I did with the UBC Asian Studies Department.
The interview really brought back memories from my undergraduate years – cramming for exams, writing term papers, playing intramural sports, going to keg parties. In the interview, I talk about how the university experience is as much about academic learning as it is about “social learning”. When I say social learning, I mean learning to network, working and cooperating with others in projects, building social relationships, developing your personal confidence. In many ways, it is the social learning that endures years after you leave university.
How I Became A Vancouver Resume Writer
Graduating from university, I didn’t set out to become a Vancouver resume writer. Rather, the route that I took was a rather long and winding one. I studied law at the University of Calgary, became a lawyer, and initially practiced in Vancouver.
In 1995, I moved to Hong Kong to work as a lawyer. After 10 years of practice, I decided to try something different, so at the invitation of a friend, I joined her headhunting company, which is now the world’s largest legal recruitment firm I worked as a headhunter recruiting lawyers for legal jobs at law firms, banks, private and public companies and non-profits.
As a recruiter, I would screen hundreds of applicant resumes, and I would often come across resumes that were poorly written and needed a lot of improvement. After re-writing their resumes, these applicants would get immediate calls for interviews. It was at this point that I realized I had a talent for writing strong resumes. Working closely with employers, I knew exactly what they looked for in their new hires. Surprisingly, I found that many applicants would fail to highlight those skill sets and job experiences that matter most to an employer.
Setting Up a Vancouver Resume Writing Company
When I moved back to Vancouver in 2008, I established a Vancouver resume writing business called Channel Resume where its primary objective is to help clients create professional resumes that would land them job interviews. Why the name “Channel Resume”? Well, I used the word “channel” to convey the sense that one shifting and diverting one’s energies and focus towards a single objective – which in this case, is landing an interview and getting a new job.
Have a look at my UBC Alumni Spotlight.
Vancouver Resume Help For University And College Graduates
I am a professional resume writer and help university and college graduates write professional resumes that help them get their first “real jobs” outside of school. I also help students with their application letters to graduate school, law and medical school, and MBA programs. Find out what’s unique about my Vancouver resume writing services and how my services can help you stand above the crowd.